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Maths Week Scotland 27th September - 3rd October

Falla Hill Primary had great fun exploring different mathematical concepts and linking this with other cross-curricular areas during Maths Week Scotland from 27th September until 3rd October 2021. Here is a short summary of some activities that the children took part in across the school.

Primary Two/One – a note from Mrs Howley

During Maths Week Scotland, Primary Two/One took part in a number of different activities linking maths and numeracy.

In data analysis, the children observed the traffic outside and recorded their findings using tally marks.

Focusing on symmetry, the children created their own colourful bugs making sure both sides were symmetrical.

Investigating time, the children had great fun timing each other with the stopwatches doing various activities.

Primary Two/Three – A note from Ms Rainey

During Maths Week Scotland, Primary Two/Three took part in a number of different activities linking maths to other curricular areas.

In numeracy, the children made place value robots.

Linking to literacy, the children read the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle, focusing on capital letters and the ay sound. They then linked numeracy/maths by ordering the days of the week.

In our topic, the children read ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson and used the robbers’ map as inspiration to make a map of their journey to school. They used the maps to describe what they saw, using positional language.

Primary Three – A note from Mrs Hunter

Primary Three had a great time in numeracy and maths during Maths Week Scotland, taking part in lots of different activities and using different skills.

Linking maths to our IDL topic focusing on habitats, the children produced fantastic symmetrical scorpions from their desert habitat work.

We took part in the WL Sumdog competition and had great fun playing the games and learning how to navigate around this platform.

Using ICT games on the Smartboard during our rotation work, allowed us to play collaboratively, to complete a number of different games focusing on lots of addition and subtraction skills.

Place value ice cream parlour – We created a fabulous ice cream cone focusing on place value matching the numeral to the number of hundreds, tens and ones, the word and the abstract calculation.

Addition fill – We had a fabulous time filling the playground with addition sums and running around trying to add in the answer to each other’s questions. It was exhausting but we had a great time!

Primary Seven – A note from Miss Lynch

Primary seven incorporated Maths Week Scotland into their smart start and in lessons. Their class discussion each day was math themed – one riddle attached and one weird fact. They also discussed the strategies they would use and what the probability of the lottery win might have been.

Attached are some of the children’s artwork focusing on pattern and number. Some of the daily slides are attached too.

As you can see, everyone had a fabulous week with lots of learning taking place across many numeracy and mathematics outcomes. Great work from all! 

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