Term 4 in P1H
And just like that, it’s June…and we have finished Primary one!
Look what we have been getting up to this term!
In numeracy we focussed on addition and subtraction, doubles and near doubles, symmetry and measure!
In literacy we finished learning all our sounds and applied our knowledge in our writing lessons. We really enjoyed using arts and crafts to help us remember our two letter sounds, ‘sh’ for pirate ships!
In science we focussed on our 5 senses. Look at our faces when we used our sense of smell to guess what was inside the smelly socks!
We thoroughly enjoyed learning new skills in our basketball lessons and had great fun during our school sports day!
We practiced our road safety during our ‘Keeping Ouselves Safe’ health and wellbeing lessons. It was great fun being a lollipop man/lady!
In our last week of term we took advantage of the sunshine and had our own ‘Primary 1 Picnic and Play in the Park’. We played games, picked flowers and made buttercup crowns!
We made the most of our new outdoor learning resources and used our problem solving skills to make dens! We think Mrs Howley and Miss Gorman had more fun than us!
Green fingers! Planting flowers and vegetables in our new raised beds.
Keeping our outside spaces clean and tidy during the Falla Hill litter pick!
Our topic this term was ‘Kings, Queens and Castles’. We worked with our friends to create amazing castles in the block play area!
And finally, who could forget Scotland making it to the ‘UEFA Euro 2020’. We had our flags ready to cheer them on!
I am so proud of all you have achieved this year Primary 1. We have made lots of great memories together and I have enjoyed watching each and every one of you grow and learn over the past few months. Enjoy your well-deserved summer holidays.
I would like to say a huge ‘Thank you’ for all the lovely cards and gifts I received.
Mrs Howley