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Term 3 in P1!

Another fantastic term in P1!

Numeracy – We have been working on our addition and subtraction strategies. We have been using number lines to help us find the answers to a calculation and practiced writing our own number sentences. We had lots of fun pretending we were frogs jumping forwards and backwards on the lily pads and counting the jumps. We have also been learning to tell the time on an analogue clock using o’clock and half past the hour.

Literacy – We have been learning some new sounds and new sight words, which has helped us recognise and read new words. We have been discussing how we make our writing more interesting by adding adjectives. We focussed on writing imaginative stories using descriptive words to describe a character. Mrs Howley and Miss Gorman were very impressed with our work.

Science – This term we learned about forces. We identified things you can push and pull in our classrooms and had great fun making ramps at various heights to determine if this made a difference to the distance when we pushed our cars down them. We also looked discussed what ‘prediction’ means and enjoyed carrying out an experiment and predicting what items we thought would float and what items would sink.

Topic –Our topic this term was The Village. We learnt all about our village and then learnt about Scotland! We found out about Nessie- Look at our lovely artwork! We  found out all about the Scottish wildlife like red squirrels. We also spoke about our favourite Scottish food and whether there was any Scottish food we hadn’t tried that sounded yummy!

PE – This term in PE, we were practicing our football skills. We were learning all about controlling the ball, dribbling and passing. We also had a go at shooting the ball for Miss Gorman and Mrs Howley to try and save!

RME- In RME this term, we have been learning about birth customs in different religions. We also were learning about the Easter story. We made some fantastic bunny hats and Easter cards for our people at home!

We hope you have a lovely Easter holiday!

Mrs Howley and Miss Gorman

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