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P5 Trip to Bannockburn

Primary 5 visited  Bannockburn Visitor Centre to learn more about their topic on the Scottish Wars of Independence.  They had a very interactive session to begin with where we headed to the battle room to learn more about the Scottish and English armies: where they camped and where they attacked from.  Our very own Bruce and Edward were cheered on by their armies.  After this we headed into the main battle where we felt like part of the army.   We then headed outside to visit Bruce’s monument and find out more about the schiltron and how the Scottish army used this in battle.

After lunch, we finished with a weapons handling workshop where we also tried on various replicas of the uniform that the soldiers would have worn. We dressed our very own knight, infantry soldier and archer ready for battle.

We had a fantastic day and the curator was really impressed with the learning we shared.

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